May Reflections

Western man conceives of time as a straight string with beginning and end.   Instead, perhaps it is an integrated mass without beginning or end within which all things manifest themselves and move about without awareness of where they are in the mass, or where they are wandering.


In our monetized society, share-holder profit is the only thing that can proclaim with the full force of law and judicial sanction, “Thou shall have no other god before me,” to which politicians, academics, and corporate executives chorus a fervent “Amen.” 


Despite the achievements of science and technology, we cannot cure a fraction of the ills we  create, or create a fraction of the marvels we destroy.  Homo Horribilus!


For those who do not believe in the religion of money, and do not worship in the temples of commerce, the world is an increasingly ugly, dangerous place. 


We are nothing but temporary manifestations of the dispersed energy and intelligence of the universe.   How does our behavior appear to the pure intelligence and energy from which we coalesced ?  Very poorly, I suspect.


Any third-rate, trained person can make things more complex and complicated.  It takes a first-rate, wise person to make them simple again.  When we train and elevate the third rate, and ignore the wise first-rate, we get what we now have—a dysfunctional, mechanistic, destructive society.


Education should be the pursuit and acquisition of ideas that make life intelligible and give it meaning, not training in the mechanics of money plumbing and diversion of as much as possible into ones own pockets, as it now is. 


Names by which we differentiate things such as species, races, nations, genders, religions are not things in themselves, but abstractions in the minds of people—In a very real sense, delusions, since words are but man-made symbols in his endless effort at distinction—effort to say not this, not that, not anything else. 


A wholly personal, narcissistic life becomes becomes insufferably small, petty, and cruel.  It is only in inseparable union with all life, and with the cosmos, that it becomes infinitely expansive and splendid, making the rubs and and pains of existence tolerable.


If ultimate economic power is to be placed in the hands of commercial corporation, as is now the trend, democracy will live only in words, not in reality, for corporate governance of such organization is the antithesis of democracy—or of equity and justice, for that matter.